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Topics & Video Titles

Check out our current (and growing) content library

Business Leadership

  • Lead by letting go

  • Magic happens when you show up

  • Seeing difficulty differently

  • Doing things you've never done before

  • Dealing with difficult people

  • Help, I'm losing my team

  • That's not my department

  • Small wins aren't working

  • Management v.s. the Floor

  • Why does accounting not care about maintenance

  • How to get Sales and Marketing teams work together

  • What mistakes do people make when presenting to groups and how do you do it well?

  • As a manufacturer, how do I make the right first impression for my business?

  • How do I network at a crowded event?

  • How to win without fighting or finger-pointing

  • How does senior management talk to staff?

  • New COO survival guide

  • What really happens vs. what management THINKS happens

  • Getting buy-in for big changes

  • How does a manufacturer build a change team?

Business Strategy & Planning

  • We know a key person is retiring next year what do we do today?

  • How do we do a risk assessment?

  • Types of risk assessments?

  • Building a risk register

  • Dealing with tomorrow's problems

  • What are the major risks for manufacturers?

  • If there was an award for what you made, would you win it?

  • Why does change keep failing in our business?

  • Manufacturers v.s. Change

  • Tools to create change in a Manufacturing Business

  • How to get better at estimating

  • Why don't we hit our yearly targets?

  • How to build accountability

  • How do we align all departments

  • I have no idea what those guys do all day

  • Are we doing the things that matter?

Continuous Improvement

  • Lean across the organization

  • How to run an efficient meeting

  • E-mail as a communication tool

  • Identifying the inefficiencies in the office processes

  • How do we start to identify waste in our office processes and fix it

  • How can you get your organization to be highly productive in the office

  • How to develop a culture of continuous improvement

  • How to empower people for lean thinking

  • How do I choose which lean approach to use?

  • Lean across the organization

  • Common problems when transitioning to lean production

  • Setting the standard

  • You're creating experts you can't fire and you need to stop 

  • But it's too complicated

  • They won't pick up a tape measure

  • What does bad look like and how do you fix it

  • How well do you really know your process?

  • Practical guide to reducing mistakes

  • How to do a run chart right

  • We aren't consistent between shifts

  • How to ID real issues in real companies

  • We don't worry about who calls in sick 

Design and Engineering

  • Who should be in your additive manufacturing meetings?

  • When should I choose additive manufacturing?

  • Rapid prototyping

  • Saving weight with additive manufacturing

  • Processes and materials in additive manufacturing

  • Where should we use additive manufacturing?

  • Are you making unmanufacturable designs?

  • Should I outsource my engineering?

  • How do you get the last 10%

  • Is your engineering team really helping your business?

  • Choosing which CAD to use

  • 80/20 rule in CAD

  • Instilling Discipline in CAD

Finance & Reporting

  • How do we get our accountant to contribute to the business?

  • What are the metrics for slowly dying?

  • How do we cost by SKU?

  • How do we get flexible financial solutions?

  • Where should we get our reports from?

  • How do we get better data

  • Is my report good enough?

  • How do I know if I can trust the report?

  • How to build a useful report

  • Are we storing the data the right way?

  • What's hurting our cashflow?

  • Do you understand your margins?

  • The cost of good sold

  • How do manufacturers bleed cash?

  • Who do we show our numbers to?

Health & Safety

  • Boost your EAP/EFAP utilization rates

  • Building a resilient workplace

  • Mental health problems at work: conversation navigation tips

  • The Morning After: Supporting an employee's return to work after mental health leave

  • Who should be involved in the safety committee

  • The importance of decluttering

  • How often should we talk about safety?

  • Why do safety programs fail?

  • How often should we review safe operating procedures

  • They know the equipment isn't safe but their using it anyway

  • The ambulance just left.... what do we do now?

  • How do you fix a bad attitude towards safety?

  • Who maintains the manufacturer?

  • Why do my processes keep failing?

  • Why does everyone want to hurt me?

  • How do we deal with stress and uncertainty?

  • Maintaining the most important machine

HR & Recruitment

  • Finding frontline leaders

  • How to hire well

  • The perfect firing

  • How to stop losing your best people

  • How to run a performance appraisal

  • How do we set up a great interview

  • What do I do so they bring me the best candidate?

  • Is my recruiter any good?

  • How do we poach effectively?

  • We need more entry level people

  • How to be a preferred employer

  • How do I know if my production manager is any good

  • You need to fire Dean...

  • Technical lead hands

  • What makes a good CFO?

  • What should we look for in a COO?

  • How do we become an attractive employer for women?

  • How do we get more women in technical roles?

  • How do we write a job ad that women apply to?

  • We have great junior female leaders, how do we support them?

  • How do we get the most out of the women in our leadership team?

Internet Marketing for Manufacturers

  • Where is your customer on your website?

  • Social media for manufacturers

  • Lead Generation

  • Does your website have these 5 features?

  • Marketing automation

  • Why don't new customers find us?

  • How do we get noticed in a crowded internet?

  • Why most videos are bad and why yours won't be

  • Using technology to your advantage

  • Integrating new customers into your workflow

  • How to find the right prospects all of the time

  • LinkedIn: how to leverage knowledge and gain credibility

  • The free google tools you should be using

  • The fastest win in marketing?

  • How do you manufacture sales

  • What type of content should we make?

  • What should I measure for my sales content?

  • What makes a great blog post?

  • Should we write a white paper?

  • How to make your content stand out

IT & Cybersecurity

  • Why don't people use the ERP?

  • Why is our ERP giving us poor business intelligence?

  • How do we get accurate materials planning from our ERP?

  • Trade-off in ERP implementation?

  • Accurate job costings with an ERP

  • Questions you need to ask about your cybersecurity in manufacturing

  • Your first steps to cyber security

  • How do we move our cybersecurity beyond just having good passwords?

  • Who are the bad guys?

  • Understanding Ransomware as a Manufacturer

  • The long term cyber security plan

  • Why clipboards don't work?

  • How do we automate our pre-operational checklist?

  • You want your people to use their phones at work

  • How do we build a form that makes work easier not harder?

  • How to start working outside your company?


  • The 5 biggest mistakes companies make when they start to export

  • The 5 things you need to learn to be a successful exporter

  • How do you evaluate a trucking company

  • How do I negotiate with trucking companies?

  • Biggest challenges in international shipping

  • What do I track in Shipping?

  • Cost reduction vs profitability in logistics

  • Why did they turn our shipment around?

  • The product specification sheet

  • Navigating international security compliance

  • How the major free trade agreements work

  • How do we deal with hitchhikers?

  • Compliance walkthrough


  • Reignite your brand

  • Build your marketing strategy

  • You're already competing internationally

  • How do I find the best market

  • How can I be the best in the world from a Midwest town?

  • The first step to international marketing

  • Start talking to the world without leaving home

  • How can I get my technical team focused on my customer?

  • How do I set up a loyalty program?

  • Why aren't we getting renewals on our contracts?

  • How do I get referrals?

  • You need a CRM

  • Which CRM and when?

  • The sales funnel is dead


  • How to choose the right export market

  • Building your international sales team

  • Finding international distributors

  • What does international sales success look like?

  • Who should run international sales?

  • How do I incentivize my sales team?

  • How do I coach my sales team?

  • Is our salesman actually successful?

  • Death of a salesman

  • Our CFO just told us we need to increase sales by 10%

  • I am a manufacturer, how do I set the price?

  • How to grow your product margins

  • How do we sell beyond price?

  • How do you close a complex sale with a really big company?

  • How to do a tradeshow well

  • What do I do with a lead?

  • What do I do before the tradeshow / meeting?

  • Our number 1 salesperson is retiring next month

  • I gave my sales to the wrong person

  • How to measure cold calls success

  • 60% Margins in manufacturing with no set up?

  • What do we need to record before the customer leaves the factory with their product?

  • Use aftermarket support to steal your competitors’ customers

  • How to think like a world beating aftermarket parts manager

  • What bearing did we use in the axle 6 years ago?

Shop Floor

  • Practical steps for frontline leaders

  • One quarter at a time

  • From team member to team leader

  • Better questions for team leaders

  • Your maintenance program might be overstaffed

  • Kitting parts to save time and money

  • This isn't the way we do things (dealing with outdated maintenance practices)

  • Work order planning

  • Turn a maintenance person into a planner

  • The true cost of tooling

  • Common tooling in the machine shop

  • How do I best use tooling to improve productivity?

  • I'm a new production manager where do I start

  • How to stop fighting fires on the factory floor

  • What management gets wrong about the floor

  • What should I be looking at?

  • How to be heard over the machines

  • Getting the most out of your CAM capacity

  • Getting your designers to build a part

  • Adding in your first robot

  • Setting up a new part in CAM

  • Working with new materials

  • Getting started with CAM

Specialty Manufacturers

  • Before your first automotive contract

  • How to not get crushed by the 80,000lb gorilla

  • What do you need to do before you introduce your second product?

  • What happens when new manufacturers are put under stress?

  • How do we transition from technical experts to business owners?

  • Process improvement for new manufacturers

  • Your daily meeting for new manufacturers

  • You're a growing manufacturer, who do you hire next?

  • How to measure and minimize waste in food manufacturing

  • Turning food waste streams into new profitable products

  • Automation in food manufacturing, how and when to use it

Supply Chain

  • Supply chain performance benchmarking

  • Supply Chain vs. Management

  • Supply chain as a profit center

  • What do we do about Dead Inventory?

  • The future of supply chain

  • The suppliers scorecard

  • Checklist for buying a new machine

  • Partnership with distributors

  • How do we match inventory with production?

  • How do I scale my warehouse/inventory?

  • What are inventory terms?

  • How do I do a proper inventory count?

  • 7 Deadly sins of inventory

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