Operational Excellence
Paul Vragel is an international Expert in business transformation. He helps manufacturers to redefine excellence in operations and build truly scalable processes and technology.
Learn from him and over 100 other industry leading Experts on Manufacturing Masters.
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manufacturing businesses worldwide
How do you move the business forward?
Manufacturers wear a lot of hats and solve a problems every day. Some we are really good at solving but some we aren't.
Manufacturing Masters asks the best manufacturing Experts in the world the questions that manufacturing businesses are struggling with, questions like:
How do I find overseas distributors?
Why did IOT fail in our factory?
How do we scale inventory with production?
How do manufacturers deal with the threat of ransomware?
How do I manage our engineering team?
Then we get you an answer in 5 minutes.
Learn From The Best Manufacturing Experts In The World like Allison DeFord who knows how to build manufacturing brands that are recognized, and sought out, internationally.
Real Manufacturing Experts
Supply chain management
Important / Export
Inventory management
Direct Procurement
Supplier management
Manufacturing value chain
EDI for manufactures
Brand development
Working with distributors on Amazon
Customer relationships
Maintenance programs
Production Management
Operations planning
Quality Assurance
Front line leadership
Engineering management
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems
Manufacturing Masters Is Trusted By The Best In manufacturing Worldwide
Why Real Manufacturers Trust Manufacturing Masters
"It's practical"
The Experts have real experience not textbook experience. For a manufacturing business that's the kind of training we need.
"I can't take people off the floor for training- now I don't have to."
We access manufacturing masters from the shop floor on our phones and pull it up in meetings when we need it. I like that I control when we learn.
"It's not the same old stuff"
We don't have time for long winded talks about our strategic direction and five year plan. I like this because we use it to improve the business today and a lesson is 5 or 10 minutes.
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